Schmoozie Solar Light Monitoring Station - Marton, Blackpool, FY3
The system consists of eight sensors (behind glass (listed below)) pointing outside where natural light can hit the sensors.
This is not calibrated in any way and is only indicitive of the type and strength of light hitting the sensor.
The idea is to see what pattens occur between the sensors over time.

Current sample at 11:49:44 22/02/25

VEML6070 - UVA 320-390nm:72 / 65535
ML8511 - UVA & UVB 280-380nm:0.23 mw/cm2
BH1750 - Visible 450 - 680nm:3326.67 lux
PV Cell - Visible & near-infrared 400 - 1400nm:777 mV
IR - Some old IR sensor:858 / 1000 (ADC)
Temp Sensor:25.69°C
Temp Ambient:21.94°C
Temp Difference:3.75 °C
J305yb GM tube - Sensitive to UV and beta/gamma radiation:81 cpm
AS7341 F1 415nm:195
AS7341 F2 445nm:274
AS7341 F3 480nm:338
AS7341 F4 515nm:313
AS7341 F5 555nm:304
AS7341 F6 590nm:270
AS7341 F7 630nm:278
AS7341 F8 680nm:297
AS7341 Clear:1227
AS7341 Near IR:442

Sunrise: 07:13:26Transit: 12:25:28Sunset: 17:37:30
Civil Twilight Begin: 06:39:29Civil Twilight End: 18:11:27
Nautical Twilight Begin: 05:58:40Nautical Twilight End: 18:52:16
Astronomical Twilight Begin: 05:17:54Astronomical Twilight End: 19:33:02

Samples are taken every 60 seconds
446330 samples taken since 16th March 2024
This page will reload itself in 300 seconds.

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